3. SQL Variables#

VARIABLE statements#

DuckDB 1.1 has introduced a new set of features of around variables, which allows SQL-level variables. These variables can only be scalar values.

  • Variables are set using SET VARIABLE.

  • Variables are accesed with the getvariable() function.

  • Variables are unset using RESET VARIABLE.

Consider how the following SQL statement would resolve:


SELECT SUM(amount) as sales_amt
FROM fact_sales
WHERE sale_date = getvariable('today');


This is great functionality for passing single values between SQL statements without having to use TEMP TABLES or other SQL constructs. Unfortunately, because only scalar values are supported, we cannot store tables or even single columns with multiple values in a VARIABLE.


A single STRUCT is a scalar value#

As you recall from the previous lessons, STRUCT type data supports many types of values in a single scalar value. This means we can pack whatever we want into a STRUCT and then save it as variable. You hopefully also recall that the glob() function returns a list of files. Unfortunately, this is list is a table so we cannot store it in a variable directly.

Fortunately for us, DuckDB also has a function called array_agg() that turns a single column into a LIST. Of course, a LIST is closely related to a STRUCT and thus can be set as a variable in DuckDB.

Exercise 3.1

Use MotherDuck to get a list of all files in your S3 Bucket.

Exercise 3.2

Set the list from Exercise 3.1 as a variable, then print the list with a SELECT query.